Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Let's Make a Conditioner !

Hello Hello !

You've read the title, now grab your Frolicious Mixtress toolbox and let's get to it !

Let's take a closer look at the ingredients ! 

A rich, nourishing ingredient that serves as a great protein treatment for your hair. It also improves your hairs moisture and shine ! It's an awesome 3-1 bonus because mayonnaise includes Olive Oil, Eggs, and Vinegar. Intrigued ? Read more about the benefits of Mayonnaise and hair.

Honey is amazing. Point, blank, period. It's  incredibly moisturizing! Honey also aids in keeping your strands out of the thirst free zone by sealing moisture into your hair, helping it stay nourished. It's also very smoothing and can help with the frizzies. Honey also helps witth hair loss, this is news to me though ! It's also great for scalp care because it's anti-bacterial. Want some more deets on honey ? Read here

Sweet Almond Oil
Rich in vitamins, minerals and a moisture gold mine! One of omy absolutely favorite oils. Sweet Almond oil is also known to penetrate into the hair shaft and follicles ! It's also a great oil for a health scalp. Check it out !

Castor Oil
Ahh, Castor Oil, How do I love thee, Shall I count the ways ? Using Castor Oil regualarly has been said to increase hair growth. It's also known to reduce, prevent damage and breakage. Castor oil is good for treating dry hair as well. It's great for conditioning and moisturizing hair and scalp. It's also good for preventing hair frizz or split ends. Here's some more info !

I always end up having a taste for guacamole whenever I use avocado for my hair. Is it just me ?  Avocado nourishes the scalp and the hair shaft. Using an avocado mask, hydrates the scalp and keeps the moisture in. It also strengthens the hair and body to the hair. More info because I know you were just dying for it !

Add-In's for Extra Awesome Amazing Goodness
Rosemary Essential Oil (Be careful if you are pregnant. Always do a fact check on ingredients before usage!)
Peppermint Essential Oil (I love when my scalp tingles!)
Tea Tree Oil
Egg (Remember to rinse in cool water so you won't have scrambled eggs on your head!)

There you have it! A simple, D.I.Y with things you probably already have in you kitchen !

Alright, talk to me. 
Did you try this mixture? 
Have you used any of these ingredients in a DIY mix before ?
Did/Do you like them ? 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Milestone Alert !

Hey curlfriends !

I hope everyone is well on their way to a prosperous and productive week !

I have a bit of news for you all !

First, let me thank everyone that entered my blogaversary giveaway ! I have currently boxed 1/2 of a giveaway package for one of the winners. I am still waiting for the second winner to send me an email response.

The great thing about giveaways it that I LOVE giving and buying gifts for people, so holding giveaways tends to be a lot of fun for me! The only downside is the fact there can only be one winner (or two in this case), which is tough. I want everyone to win and to receive something!

But that's the beauty of giveaways, you can always hold another one ! *coughstaytunedcoughcough*

Next up, MILESTONE ALERT ! Over the weekend, the SimplyCare blog SURPASSED 10,000 views! How exciting, this blog is really growing and I'm so proud!

 I remember when I was celebrating 1000 blog views ! Man, That feels like such a long time ago !

 Do you guys see my new friend Fro up there ? She will be seen a lot more around the blog and facebook page! I've been working on her for a while now, and I finally came up with a design that I like!

Alright, let's keep moving forward. The next bit of news that  I have is that I have two new series planned for the blog! Whoop ! Excited ? I certainly hope so !

1. What The Fuss !
 You know it, and I know it. All over the natural hair community, skin care community and beyond there's this trend of not using certain ingredients or products that contain said ingredients. Some of has been deemed scare tactics, while some just seem a little, well side-eyeish. Well, I'm a little tired of all the bruhaha over certain ingredients. So, in this series I intend to figure out why there's such a protest against certain ingredient without always correctly knowing what and where this ingredients come from. Also I'll discuss why they are so widely used and why they are so widely hated. It's sure to be juicy and informative !

2. So...  You Want To Go Natural.
I want this series to be a starting point for those who are straggling that line between going natural or sticking with the creamy crack. Starting out on a new journey(or maybe your second, third, time around) can be confusing, scary and overwhelming. When people around me would ask me about what they should do, I had an email ready to send out to them. So those helpful emails, along with tips, tidbits, nuggets of knowledge, tricks, do's and dont's will be bundled up all nicely for you to peruse until your heart's content ! If you're a Newly Natural and have a question, you can even submit your questions to be answered in future post !

So, what do you think of Fro ?
Are you excited about the new series I have planned ? 
What else would you like to see ?

 If you receive my posts via email you'll notice this post has been edited. Don't write a blog post when you're halfway to Sleepville.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall into Winter Hair Care

 With the colder months looming in the near future it's time to re-think your hair care regimen!
Seasons changing, leaves breaking away and blowing carelessly with the wind. Fall fashionistas are gearing up with knee boots, beanies, and blazers galore. Naturalistas have to ready themselves to embrace some changes as well. Remember our Summer Hair Care Tips ? It's time to put that on the shelf next to the bright tank tops, flip-flops and  skimpy bikinis...

Get ready to fall into winter hair care. Notepads out and pens up, I've got 11 tips for your winter hair care regimen ! Let's get going!

Conditioning and Moisturizing
1. Incorporate more deep conditioning into your regimen. Your strands are gong to need a little more pampering during this cold weather season ! Make sure you pay attention to your hair's needs.

2. Become a moisture maniac but be sure to remember hydral fatigue. Leave-in conditioners are a great way to add in some extra moisture here and there. You might want to try a heavier leave-in if you're using a creamy type of  Leave-in Conditioner. Don't forget,  over-night baggy treatments are great way too boost moisture.

3. If you're a co-wash type of gal, you might want to ease up on the co-washing or make sure your hair is completely dry before stepping outdoors. 

4. If you're a shampooer, implement more shampoos that are moisturizing for that extra umphh ! 

Protecting and Sealing
1. Protective Styling (which doesn't always need to be intricately done. If your ends are protected from clothing, weather, etc then it's a protective style.) Check out my post on protective styling for some tips!

2. Be sure to protect your hair from accessories such as beanies, hats and scarves. Sometimes your hair can snag on the rough fabric. Try wearing a satin or silk scarf underneath your hat or beanie of choice for added protection.

3. Adding in heavier butters and oils for sealing purposes if it so suits your hair needs. Some hair types don't like the feeling of heavier butters. My kinky, nappy hair loves it. 

4. Don't forget that you should still be sleeping with a satin cap! Keep your hair snuggled up and safe. If the satin scarf or cap isn't your thing, opt for a satin pillowcase.

Extra Love and Care 

1. Love on your hair with some awesome hot oil treatments! Why not give yourself a scalp massage while you're at it ! Go ahead and be fancy and baggy that hot oil treatment.

2. Concentrate even more so on your ends.  You can do this by just doing a baggy treatment on your ends or giving them an extra mist of water and sealing it in! Make sure they are fully protected when wearing a protective style. They're the old heads of the group, so treat them accordingly.

3. If you own a steamer, this is another great way to get more moisture or to make up for lack of moisture. I don't have a steamer so I "steam in the shower", sometimes with a baggy and sometimes without.

There's one item that's usually overlooked when thinking about winter hair care that can sometimes be detrimental to maintaining moisture... the heat in your home! Yes, it can cause dryness just like the warmer months. So if you feel that your hair a feeling slightly drier than normal, don't hesitate to give it a boost with some of the tips above !

Now, if by chance you're in a warm area why not check out my tips on spring and summer haircare and enjoy the warmth of the sun rays for the both of us !

What are some ways that you adapt your regimen for cooler seasons ?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Bloggy ! + A Retrospective

It's a celebration y'all !

365 days.

So many things can happen in a year, that's a lot time.

Yet it passes by in almost a blink. Just like that, it's gone and you have another year to progress, strive, and continue moving forward.

Today this blog turns 1 year old. Can you believe it ? I certainly can't. I remember my first post like it was yesterday! Literally.

Sometimes when I am writing posts, and I need to back link or reference a past post, I am shocked by how long it can sometimes take for me to come across the right post.

Have I really written that many ?

I wonder how many people have read, shared, or even actually liked what I have posted.

In  year's time what are some ways that I can gauge the effectiveness of this blog, it's growth, and reach ?

I definitely have more readers, comments, and subscribers. Yet somehow it's not enough. I'm still the new kid on the block, but maybe I haven't asked enough people to play ! Lol.

This blog and I have come a long ways together! Our first series, blog challenges, Black History Month, a little bit of Frolicious Mixtressin'. I can't wait to see what another year will bring! 

Enough of the retrospective, let's move on to candles and cake !

This year celebration really creeped up on me. It's like I knew it was coming but subsequently forgot about it. It doesn't feel like I've been blogging for a whole entire year.

So, I guess this means a celebration is in order, for a number of things.

1. Reaching 100+ likes on the Facebook page
2. Surpassing 150 Followers in the facebook page
3. One whole year of bloggity bloggin'

I'm excited about this giveaway but more skeptical than I should be. I didn't write a really in-depth post about the mishandling I encountered with the United States Postal System, and I don't intend to now. I just hope that this time around things run much more smoothly.

This giveaway won't be "huge" like some 1 year blog celebrations that I've encountered but I do intend to have more than one winner. That's big to me !

So go tell all your curlfriends, while I finish up the details for the giveaway!

Questions ! 
What's one or two of your favorite things about this blog ? 

Do you have a favorite post, or maybe a post that taught you a new thing or two ? 

I would LOVE to know ! 

What would be one or two things you would like to see on this blog in the future ?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September is a Wrap!

I'm sure you're wondering how I did with my September challenges right? I mean, I just know that it was dogging you in the back of your mind that I barely put up any type of updates (except for here , oh and here too).

I'm sure a "Get on with it Stephanie" might have been voiced, even loudly... in hopes that I would perhaps "get my life" and thoroughly update you on challenging myself with challenges.

Well, relax and let your finger do the scrolling.

Let us begin...

Everyone wants to place blame right ?

No one wants to be blamed either I might add.

So as much as I would love to blame my raggedy, no good, very bad laptop for my lack of blogging and vlogging. I can't.

 I can only place but so much blame upon the sleek black, technological paper weight known as the "dreaded damn dell" The rest, alas, must be placed with myself.

I started out with great intentions, I penned a cute little calendar, wrote down what would be posted what day and where.It was great,  I had everything mostly mapped out.

But the DIL bug bit me, and oh did it bite me hard!

DIL? Do-It-Later. Now you know.
Don't let his coy smile fool you!

The goal was to post 3 blog posts weekly, 2 vlogs weekly, and 1 one art blog post weekly. I had enough ideas to fill up an editorial calendar but you can clearly just how many posts I actually did publish. Now, I won't bore you with specifics or wallow around, I glad that I actually did it. It being accepting all those challenges and attempting to see them all though with great results.

I only fell short in the blogging/vlogging area. Elsewhere I did a darn good tootin' job!

Bevie Challenge ? Great, I'm glad I randomly decided to do that for myself. I drink way more water now, and I can tell a difference in my skin, even if my acne monster is out to play right now. Having a toteable water bottle makes it easier as well, plus I'm being "green" It's a win-win for me and Mother Earth. You're welcome.

Squat September ? Definitely sweet, I don't have a before and after pic, but I do see a definite noticeable difference. I've always had more junk in my trunk so it's kind of hard to tell. LOL.
I see changes in my legs and thighs! Thank you squats and lunges. Bless you.

Now that we are in October I'm doing some more challenges! Read more about that here. I'm just going to keep going and be better!

Oh, and as far as the KCCM Challenge, that's going great as well. I post regular updates about that each week. I think that I'll be installing another protective style soon also.

That's all folks !

Quick question, do you have ways to keep challenges in order ? 
 Do you tend to keep going or end it if you miss a day or two ? 

Monday, October 1, 2012

October What ?!

Well, welcome to October curlfriends! This month just barged right on in! I can't believe how fast these days are just passing us by !

Well, to welcome in the month of October I'm doing some more challenges ! My September Challenge Recap will be up tomorrow.

So why more challenges ? Why not! I found a great fitness and yoga challenge that I'm very excited for! I've been trying to incorporate more yoga into my exercise regimen and now I've found the perfect way.

GrowSoulBeautiful started a yoga-a-day challenge on Instagram. There is a pose for everyday of October, and you post an image of of yourself doing each pose. Simple and fun! Make sure you are following my Instagram account @iSimplyCare! Why not join in on the yoga-a-day pose as well! I did the first pose today and it felt so great ! My lower back had been hurting from an exercise that I did earlier. The Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana ) pose really stretched it out for me.
My Urdhva Hastasana

Yoga-a-Day for October

The fitness challenge that I'm doing this month is by Hey Fran Hey and Chescaleigh. It's called PlankandGreenOCT. For the month of October, you plank daily and each day 5 seconds is added to your original planking time. You also drink a green smoothie daily with four difference leafy green vegetable bases, week one is Spinach.

This challenge I'm particularly excited about, because I was looking for ways to step up intensity and core/ab workouts and this definitely helps. 

I'm not overloading myself with challenges this month just in case you were wondering ! Lol. I'm going to continue to focus on blogging, building my brand and vlogging semi-regularly.

Did you join any challenges this month ? 
What are they, are you excited about them ?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

KCCM Check In #4

Hello curlfriends, I'm just popping in for another check-in ! It's the fourth week already ! One month down !
Check-in Questions below as per usual. 

1. There are so many products on the market, what are your favorites? What qualities does a product have to have in order to become one of your favorites?
This is a tough one ! I love Sheamoisture products, I also like Taliah Waajid's deep conditioner. I love Kinky Curly Knot Today, it's a staple leave-in. I love the African Pride Hair Mayonaise and also Palmers Hair Milk. I'll stop there because I can just keep on going!  In order to be a favorite of mine,  a product needs to be priced for myself personally, have an optimal effect on my hair, and have ingredients that I agree with. 
2. Since using the castor oil, how has your hair been maintaining moisture? 
I'm not really sure because it isn't something that I have been following in regards to castor oil. My hair retains moisture just fine with a water based product and a sealant. Sometimes that sealant is castor oil, sometimes it's avocado or EVOO. 
3. How did you use Castor Oil in your hair last week (week 3).
Did you find yourself losing momentum or are you still going hard? For the first three weeks, the use of the castor oil has not changed since my hair has been in a protective style. I'm excited for the length check though, since I just removed my PS. 

Next week will be a length check week !  How exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing how much length retention I have. 
Question: What are some thing you look forward too when doing protective styles and or hair(care) challenges ?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

KCCM Week 3

KCCM Check-In Week 3 Curlfriends ! 

I can't believe how fast September is flying by ! It will be Thanksgiving before we know it ! Sheesh ! Slow down Calendar, will ya ? 

Here are this week's Challenge Check-In Questions! 

1. Since going natural have you ever felt really overwhelmed? If so, Why? If not, What have you done to make this journey run smoothly?
No, I don't think that I have felt overwhelmed really. It might have occurred right after removing my locs because I had no idea what to do with my hair. That issue didn't last long though because I stumbled onto Youtube and became slightly addicted. Ive always tried to make sure to listen to what my hairs needs, research everything for myself, and educate myself on my hair. That's really helped this second journey of mine. 
2. Do you see any change in your hair since using the castor oil?
 I don't see any visible changes because my hair is still in a protective style ! :)
3. How did you use Castor Oil in your hair last week (week 2). Did you use it any different than week 1?
 I'm still using castor oil as a daily spritz and some nights I'll massage the oil throughout my scalp. 
I still cannot believe how fast this month has gone by already ! I think we will be in for a rough winter though, and I can definitely wait for that ! Whew *shivers* I am definitely not ready for that ! 

Anywho, here are my previous check-ins! 

Oh, I will be removing my spring twists this weekend is time is on my side ! I'll definitely be posting some hairlicious photos!!

Stay steady curlfriends, the weekend is drawing near! #fistpump

As always..

Lol, this makes me giggle. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Growing Through Changes

I always try to remember this ! 

Growing through changes ! 

That's what I will call this period in my life right now. I am going and growing through changes. I fully accept and embrace it.

It feels so great to write about my business again, I seemed to let that area fall to the wayside when I began concentrating more on natural hair blog posts. I wanted to be able t make some sort of impression with my approach to natural hair blog posts. In do that though, I forgot what this blog began as. Getting back to the business part of this blog will be a great addition in my opinion.  After all, this blog is about the evolution of a business ! Being able to get great, constructive feedback from you as well is one thing that I definitely look forward too.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

KCCM Week 2 Check in

Hello Curlfriends ! 

Just a quick post for my Week 2 of the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge ! 

1. Where do you live? 
I live in RVA/NoVA

2. Are other members of your family naturals too? 
Yes, my cousin and her daughters are natural. Another one of my cousins has locs.

3. How did you use Castor Oil in your hair last week (week 1)?
 I used Castor oil mostly as a leave-in spritz and massaged the oil in my scalp since I still have spring twists in.

Straight to the point huh ?  :0) 

If any of my readers are participating in this challenge, please let me know in the comments section !

I hope that everyone is having a great week !

I made this a while back, but I realized I shared it everywhere but here on the blog ! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Challenging First Week.

I seriously laughed out loud as I wrote that title.

I have every intention to overuse the word challenge. I hope you'll find it just as amusing as I do. Although I must admit it will be more of a challenge to find funny ways to use the word challenge as September moves forward !

I'm sure you all are wondering how I did. Well if you are subscribed to the blog and my youtube channel, then you have a partial answer.

I did a great job on everything but vlogging and blogging. Despite the fact that I have a pretty little calendar that stares me down every morning.

I. Have. A. Problem.
(You'll realize this when you see that this is a 1st week check in and we are almost to the end of  the second week. lol.)

My newest vlog was published yesterday though. You can view that here.

Just a couple of missteps, but that is alright because I will do better.

This is exactly why I did this challenge. To change my production level ! So, instead of focusing on where I fell short, I will be posting my "make up" vlogs and blogs this week along with my current vlogs and blogs. I am just going to keep moving right along, finding ways to make myself better !

September Squats Challenge is going well, I'm up to 35 squats as of yesterday. I haven't taken any fanny photos yet to compare. (For myself, I won't be posting fanny photos. lol) I can see a difference in my thighs though and also my calves. There were a couple pair of shorts that were too tight around the thigh area and now they fit wonderfully!

I love when I see progress. I'm starting to get a little cut in different areas now. I love, love, love it! I can definitely feel a difference in my core. My lower back is really has a tendency to ache a lot because of the arch in my back. (I get it from my Momma! Lol) I sometimes feel sore if I lay or sit in certain positions for extended periods of time. I realized yesterday that it rarely occurs now. I'm looking forward to seeing how my back does or doesn't hurt during my cycle. It's usually amplified during that time. I see a difference in my stomach area, but it's not enough for me. So this week and next week I will be going even harder. I plan on amping up foods that minimize belly fat/bloat and cutting out foods that cause belly fat/bloat.

80 Healthiest Foods Find. All Thanks to Tumblr ! 

My Bevie Challenge is definitely on a roll. I'm proud of myself for mainly drinking water and teas. I see a difference in my skin and nails. Although my acne is rearing its ugly head right now, I can still see that its softer, smoother and brighter.

Next up, is the Kinky Curly Coily Me Castor Oil Challenge. I have my first entry post here.

Now, I have not yet updated my art blog. I aimed to do that at least once a week. So I am only a post behind. That's not too shabby at all.

Have you read my original challenge post?  Oh, also if you haven't done so, please follow @iSimplyCare on Instagram to keep up my #Naptember and #HGKWW Photo Challenges.

Well, despite a couple of hiccups, I am still proud of myself. I know I can do better though. So I will !

What are some things that you do to help you stay on track when participating in challenges ?


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Kinky Curly Coily Me Castor Oil Challenge

Hello hello !

It has begun again ladies and gentlemen ! The KCCM Fall Castor Oil Challenge is back in full effect. The Challenge began on September 1st and will continue until December 1st.

Here are my Entry Check-in Questions and Photos. 

1. What type of Castor Oil will you be using? Possibly Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Definitely Cold Pressed Castor Oil,

2. How long is your hair now-front, sides, and back?
Front 8.5 inches
Sides 6.5 inches
Crown 9.5 inches
Back 6.5 inches

3.How will you be using your Castor Oil? Edges, Scalp, Sealing Hair, conditioning treatments, Daily spritz 4x-5x a week.)

4. My hair is currently in a protective style, but these are the most recent photos before installation. 

I know, I look crazy. Moisturizing my hair before spring twists installation

Installing spring twists!

Week 2 Check-In Post will be published shortly ! I will be removing my spring twists in 1-2 weeks. I haven't decided yet, but I can't wait to see how my ends are doing !

Are you participating in the KCCM Challenge ? Or any other Challenge for that matter?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Can Kinks Get Love Too ?

Let me take you on a journey. This road may seem familiar, perhaps you've even been here before! Maybe you've been lost on the trail of tangles, or ventured through the curly caves only to come out on the other side in a kinky, murky mess. That's right, I'm taking you on a quest for the perfect curl. Steeped in ups and downs, chock full of many a failed products cemetery, glitter lies in the wake of those ever so promising curl enhancing fairies.. Did you see that ? A gleam of a perfect ringlet glimmers over the horizon.

Ahhh yes, the "Quest for the Perfect Curl. The never ending search of some naturals, no matter if they are a noob in the game or seasoned and well on their merry nappy way.

It's a trip that almost all of us have taken. The question that I would like to pose though, is why ? Yep, Why.

Can't kinks get some lovin' too ?

It seems like the need for "politically correct" curls is more important than loving and caring for what you have.

The curls that are acceptable in public and professional settings. Say for instance a Shirley Temple curl, or a Traci Ellis-Ross, or even Eva the Diva from Top Model.

Traci Ellis Ross, Photo Credit Confessions of a Blog Vixen

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Challenge !

Hello !

A special weekend post, because I can't wait until Monday ! Lol.

I hope you take advantage of this new month to accomplish great things! I know I intend to !

Now, whenever I hear the word challenge, I am immediately taken back to that scene of The Cosbys where Clif takes Rudy to tap dance class... I figured you would want to see a clip, so here you go.


This is by far one of my favorite episodes ! I am a Cosby junkie !

Anyhow, the point that I am trying to make is this; September is a month of challenges !

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is your Acne Telling You ?

Hello !

I know I'm not the only one to suffer from annoying acne every now and again. As of late though it's gotten better thanks to a new skincare regimen. I plan to speak on that at a later date once I've been following it for a while.

I found this gem of information on last night and was wowed!

I decided to turn it into a helpful infographic !

It really helped clear some things up for me! I hope it does the same for you !

 Short, sweet, and to the point !

What do you think ?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Natural Hair Weekend Fabulosity !

Hello curlfriends !

Myself and Kaasi, of Naturally Divine

I hope everyone had a great weeked. My weekend was awesome, It was a natural hair slumber party weekend !

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Curl Pattern : The Whys and Why Nots


The age old question goes unanswered or incorrectly answered all too often. What is my curl pattern. 
You've seen, read, or heard this scenario time and time again, on countless social media outlets. It can come from just about anyone; a new natural, a frustrated natural, a transitioner, the PJ or or the CJ. It's inevitable and everyone just has to know...

"What is your curl pattern?"

Well, clearly folks have had enough. 

People have started shouting from the proverbial mountaintop that your curl pattern doesn't matter. Focus on your hair health and not your curl pattern....

Can't wait for more ? Make sure to subscribe to be notified of when the full post is live!
This is in my opinion, one of the hottest debates of the natural hair community, I figured it was about time for me to chime in! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Loc'ed Up ( Photo Heavy)

It was a mildly cold afternoon of January 2005, I was on winter break from college and on a whim, I decided to loc my hair. I had no clue what I was doing, I didn't search for any videos or how-to's, I just parted and twisted.

Yep, I used to be a loc'ed natural, for 5 years !

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Not a Protective Style If...

Happy Monday Curlies !

I hope everyone had a great weekend ! I'd like to start the week off with 6 tips on why a protective IS NOT a protective style.

If you're not clear on what a protective style is, it's a style that protects your hair, or more importantly, your ends. It also gives you a rest from day to day or week to week styling because it is normally kept in for an extended amount of time.

Now, I'm sure that you've heard it all before, how protective styles are the way of the long haired, tangle-less natural hair chicas. Protective styles are the only way to retain growth, it's best to keep kinkier hair stretched to avoid knots, breakage, tangles, SSK's etc, etc.

Yes, for the most part this is true. But can protective styles be over protective ?

I have some news for you, It's not a protective style if,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hair's to Summer !

It's that time again curlfriends !

The weather is getting warmer and warmer as the days pass by. Soon your kinks, coils, and curls will need even more attention.

So, how to you prepare for those summer months ?
What are things that you should add your regimen ? 
              How are you supposed to care for your curlies in the warmer months ?

Well, here are 6 tips to help a sista out !

Let's dive in and get your hair into tip-top shape and keep it there !

1.Take the risk, cut off that relaxer, throw down that flat iron. 

Be a curly cutie and be fierce honey !

I've been privy to some information... are you ready ?

Warmer months are definitely the "it" time to rock those curls girls ! Cut off that relaxer, wash, and go !

Who wants all that hair hanging around your neck making you uncomfortable ? So go ahead and make that transition.

Summer breeze caressing your scalp ? Yes please!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Yes, That's right, the final check-in ! The KCCM Castor Oil Challenge is over! Mama I made it ! For some reason I always have problems keeping up with challenges and seeing them through the end, but I did it ! *round of applause* 

Alright, Let's get to the good stuff !

Final Check-in Questions

1. How would you describe your growth from the beginning of the challenge to now? Considering your typical 3 month hair growth -Is this more than average, less than average, or the same?
I would say that my growth is average, but being that I have done two mini trims, there might not be a major difference between week 1 and now. I had a serious problem with split ends and I started this challenge so that I could cut them out and be retaining a little more the regular growth.

2. How did you do last week (week 12)? Did you follow through with your goals? Any challenges thus far?
I've been doing really well on this final stretch. I struggled a little bit in the middle, but I remember you posting how you wanted to see growth so you had to step it up a notch. That's exactly what I did.

3. Final Thoughts, comments, feedback etc.?

I really enjoyed this challenge and I'm proud of myself for seeing it through to the end. I always fall off somewhere in the middle. With this challenge I only fell off with checking here on your blog. I kept it up with mine though. For the most part. Lol.

4. Which JBCO would you like to win – Original, Coconut, or Lavender?
I would love the win the Lavendar or the Coconut. I can't decide because I like the lavendar smell, but love the properties of coconut !


Comparison Photos
Final KCCM Check-In Photos

1st Week KCCM Check-In Photos

*Note* I need to remember to take photos in the same position! At least I have on the same shirt so you can still see the differences.

Now, I must say I am super proud of my eyebrows ! They have come a long way! The trouble area at the nape of my neck is certainly making progress as well. I am seriously considering signing up for the June Challenge ! I love, love, love the progress that I have seen thus far with my hair.

Have you recently finished a challenge ? 
Was it the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge? 
How did do?

Friday, May 25, 2012

KCCM Check-In Bundle

Happy Friday everyone !

Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Koils by Nature NNHMD(National Natural Hair Meetup Day) in Northern Va. My update is a little later than most but it will be posted on Monday! I had a great time and I can't wait to share it will you all.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Slightly Grand Debut

Welcome back weekend !

I hope that you all had a great week! 

Today I debut *cue fanfare* the new Directory page! Yes, you read correctly ! It's finally up and running, go and have a peek !

There are a few links ready for your to peruse til your heart's content! Please note, that the directory page will be frequently updated.

 Whenever you stop by the blog don't forget to spend a few minutes over there, as I plan to have loads of link lovin' !

So, I'm not sure if all of you are aware, but Saturday, May 19th is the National Natural Hair Meet-Up Day (NNHMD). I plan on attending either the one in Richmond or the one in Alexandria, which ever one hasn't sold out yet. Clearly I missed the ball on this one....can we say procrastination ?

Will you be in attendance at NNHMD ? Where will yours be held ?

I'm pretty excited about this, I've missed a couple of meet-ups as of late. If you aren't attending, you can always pretend you're there via the hashtag #nnhmd on Twitter ! ;0)

I hope you all have a great weekend !!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

KCCM Check-In Bundle

Hello again!

Since I am behind with posting my KCCM Castor Oil Challenge Check-in's, I am going to post more than one at a time.

I hope that's alright with you  ;0)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Well, Happy Monday !

Happy Monday everyone!! !

Before I start, may I just say that Mondays really aren't as bad as everyone says ! Maybe your Monday is crappy because you continuously have that negative thought floating around in your mind.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please Pardon My Absence!

I'd like to welcome myself back from an unplanned hiatus. I had no idea that with my last blog that I would just take a break from it all. 

Now, that I want to get back into the swing of things, I don't know where to start. Hence this post. I hadn't blogged in so long, I didn't know how to start again. Don't get me wrong, plenty of blog posts have traveled through my pretty little brain and onto my notepad...

If you are by chance wondering why such a long leave of absence, well let me explain that to you. 

You see, this blog has completely rocketed off from what it was supposed to be in the beginning. I had merely wanted to just blog about my business and the steps that I was taking to become a product company. Then I started writing posts on all things hair and it kind of took off from there. I wanted to make sure that this blog growing into what it is now wasn't taking me away from my original goal. Which is my products and my business. For a little while I kind of felt like it did. So I just decided to stop and refocus. On the flip-side I have so many ideas and posts, etc that I just couldn't wait to blog about! 

So, if that's the case then this couldn't be a bad thing... right ? 

Well, that's how I feel now. I think that I while this did lead me astray( in a good and not so good way), I want to keep going, I want to keep blogging. I think that this break has given me a chance to settle down, rethink things and make sure that I am headed in the right direction. 

It's hard trying to balance so many things at one time, but I'm learning. I hope you all will bear with me ! I appreciate it all !

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

KCCM Check-In #5

Happy Tuesday everyone!

 I'm here today with a quick post about the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge, this week is length check week !

Let's jump into the questions !

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

KCCM Check-In #4

Happy Hump Day ! 
You're almost there, the weekend is near ! 

Today is my 4th Check-In for the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge! 

Let's dive right in to the questions !

1. Why did you decide to do away with chemical relaxers and embrace your natural hair?
I had a horrible salon relaxer experience and I decided that next day when I woke up with large scalp burns all over my head that I would never get another relaxer in my life.

2. How did you do last week (week 3)? Did you follow through with your goals? Any challenges thus far?
Week 3 was a little shaky for me. I didn't meet my 3x week minimum (hangs head in shame). I am getting back on track though and will be "making up for lost time" by applying every day for the next week.

3. Do you think you see a difference in thickness or length yet? How has your hair been responding to the consistent castor oil usage?
I saw a difference in week two, now its a little tougher to tell because I have my hair in mini-twists, although I am still looking forward to the first length check. I can definitely tell with my brows and my trouble area as with the previous weeks. I am loving it ! I think that my hair is responding positively to the castor oil. I have always used it and I'm pretty sure my hair is thanking me !

I would like to note that my scalp does NOT care for castor oil being applied directly all over. The only place where it does not cause a massive case of itchy scalp is at my nape area. Which I'm fine with. I'm going to be doing an ACV rinse because my scalp is so itchy !

Here are my previous KCCM Challenge posts if you missed them !

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mini Twistin' on a Monday ! (Photo Heavy)

Happy Monday everyone !

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend ! I definitely did despite the rain, which made me a little couch potato.

I had plans to attend the Baltimore Natural Hair Expo, but I just did not feel like making that drive! Lazy, right? I know, but there will be plenty of other Expos and Conventions ! If you attended, please let me know how you liked it ! I would love to hear about it !

So, on to the mini-twists ! I mentioned here that I had installed a set of mini-twists and that I absolutely love them ! I also wanted to do some comparison photos of previous mini-twists !

Thursday, March 22, 2012

KCCM Check-In #3

WHEW ! I almost missed the cut-off date for checking in for the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge ! It was yesterday, so I scrambled on over there yesterday afternoon and checked in !  Here are this weeks questions ! 

1. How often do you wash your hair? What are your staple products?

    I wash my hair every 1-1 1/2 weeks. Some of my staple products are  Aloe Vera juice and gel, various oils, and my hair cremes.

  2.  How did you do last week (week 2)? Did you follow through with your goals? Any challenges thus far?
    Last week, I just barely made the 3x week minimum because I was just so busy, I hope to do better next week. The only challenges are remembering to put it on ! LOL

  3.  Do you think you see a difference in thickness or length yet? How has your hair been responding to the consistent castor oil usage?
    I definitely see a difference in length, although I was due for a trim. I didn't skip on my trim just because I'm on this challenge.. This challenge is more about health than anything. I can definitely tell a difference in my trouble spot and my eyebrows. I'm so excited! My hair loves castor oil anyways and I think that the constant use is just helping it to thrive even more !

I put in mini-twists so now application will be even easier and quicker ! I am so pleased with this set of mini-twists ! I am amazed at how it didn't take very long to install even though my hair is considerably longer. I will have a comparison post up very soon !

Question: Are any of my readers on the KCCM Castor Oil Challenge ? If so, how are you holding up ? I would love to hear from you !

My 1st KCCM Check-In
My 2nd KCCM Check-In

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SimplyCare's 100th Post !

Whoo hoo !

SimplyCare has reached 100 posts ! How exciting ! This blog has come such a long way and I'm so excited to see what the future holds ! 

So, my question to you is, what is something that you would like to possibly see on this blog? Any comments, or tidbits, or nuggets of advice for me ? 

Please feel free to leave any of the above in the comments section ! I would love to hear from some of you ! 

I hope you are all having a great week ! 
Thank you for all of your support thus far! 

KCCM Check-In #3 coming tomorrow !

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