Monday, January 27, 2014

Frozen. 8 Ways to Keep your Naps Toasty

A curly can freeze their ends off! (Well if it's a split end then be my guest Mr. Frost!)

Um, so about this weather ?

How's a kinky supposed to keep their precious naps protected and healthy in such frigid temperatures ?
Co-wash ? scratch that unless you have time to let your hair dry. 
Deep condition on the go ? N to the O, unless you want to end up with a head cold. 
Hmmm, These are two items high up on the list for those of the natural persuasion. 

So what exactly is the best way to care for your hair in colder temperatures ? Are there things curlies shouldn't be doing; and on the flip side, is there something curlies should do more of ?
If you're fairly new to the blog you might not be familiar with  previous post "Fall into Winter Hair Care"; a quick little post with simple and easy to implement tips.

Well, it's about time for an update.

Here's 8 Ways to Keep your Naps Toasty !

1. Pre-poo !
A quick and easy way to do some preliminary detangling while preparing your hair for the shampoo session. Make sure to use penetrating oils.( Oils that actually penetrate through to your cuticle and not just set on top of your hair strand.)A few penetrating oils are; Coconut Oil, Avocado, Hazelnut, and Macadamia.  For an added bonus throw your kinks under a plastic cap and let the pre-poo mixture work its magic!
Hefty Prepoo &Protein Treatment - Coconut Milk Powder, Mayo, Egg, Avocado Oil

2. Add some hair lovin' oils to your routine
If this is news to you, then you're going to love it. Have you ever added a little oil to your conditioner? Perhaps an oil rinse in between shampooing and conditioning ? (My personal favorite). Sometimes I'll add some castor oil to my moisturizer for an extra boost and a nice thick coating for my strands. Here are some great oils to try:
 Avocado Oil - helps to retain hair moisture inside the cuticle, helps to revive hair that has been dried, damaged or weakened by styling, helps to nourish, protect hair, stimulate growth along with adding shine and luster to hair.  
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil - loaded with antioxidants, which can keep the skin of your scalp in better shape. It can even reduce the damage done by hair care products or overuse of styling products. It also Naturally Conditions the Hair, olive oil fights off things like dandruff, head lice, etc, helping keep your hair healthier.
 Sunflower Oil - Sunflower oil acts as an emollient, which can help prevent water loss.It also makes hair soft and shiny, prevents dryness and frizziness and makes hair easy to manage.Sunflower oil can be applied and massaged on your scalp before a bath once a week for maximum benefits. It helps to nourish the hair and prevents breakage.
Castor Oil - Castor oil is filled with some excellent vital nutrients such as vitamin E, minerals and proteins, which are required for healthy hair. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.  It combats hair loss, stimulates hair growth, treats scalp infection, reduces splits ends/breakage, conditions and moisturizes your hair. IT also can provide thickness to your hair. 
Coconut Oil - Coconut oil is so rich in nutrients, it is able to stimulate the hair follicles and contribute to the general health of the scalp. it promotes a healthier scalp and it gives hair follicles an ideal environment to grow healthy hair because it improves blood circulation to boost nutrients to your hair. It also penetrates the hair shaft to protect against the environment and excess heat. (I've used Coconut Oil three times as a heat protectant). 

3. Cut back on the co-washing
No one like a wet head, especially in these cold temperatures. It may be better to cut back on the co-washing and opt for a refreshing hair mist instead.

4. Tuck in those ends 
Ramp up those protective styles curlfriends. Choose styles where your ends are up and protected. Goddess braids, buns, pomps, twists and or styles with extensions added. Besides, I'm sure you don't want to wake up and do your hair every single day. Give your kinks and yourself a break. Use protective styles to retain growth and maintain your sanity. Whether it's just for the week or for a couple of months. Make sure to apply moisture as needed. Protective styles are not an excuse to neglect your hair.
Protecting my ends !

Senegalese PS bunned. 

5. Show your scalp a little more love
All this takes is a simple scalp massage. I like to do this either when I'm pre-pooing or deep conditioning. Sometimes when I'm just doing nothing, I'll give my scalp a good rub. Maybe you could have a significant other do it for you? So you know it's real.

6. Hydrate: Hair and Body
Water, water everywhere ! Make sure to drink plenty of water, teas, and fruits with high water content (oranges, apples, pineapples, etc) Your water intake comes from more than your glass. Don't forget to moisturize your hair ! Winter weather can be very drying and harsh, you may find yourself reapplying moisture more often. Look for a water based product to quench your curlies thirst.

7. Always seal the deal
Key for moisturizing, because nothing even all( L-Boogie voice) unless you're sealing in that moisture. I like to seal with a butter or a thick oil. Or if you're fancy a whipper butter mix.

8. Add a nightcap. 
If you'tr not sleeping with a scarf or satin cap, try to sleep on a satin pillowcase. We don't want all of your hard work to go to waste ! Protect your hair at night as much as you can. Cotton and fabric from pillows, pillowcases, sheets, and or blankets can all potentially snag and cause rips or splits in your hair.

Alright curlfriends, you should be ready to tackle to rest of this freezzing weather headfirst ! 
Is there something I missed ? 
 What else do you do in the colder temperatures to keep you hair looking fabulous ? 

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