About Me

About Me.

Welp, I’m awesome and I’m 26. Thank you and goodnight !



Hi guys !

Bios always did make me itch, but I’m doing this for you all out there in the blogosphere. I’m a 26 year old woman. I have a love for all things art and hair. Art, however is my first love. I’ve been drawing ever since I could remember. I illustrate, animate, design, draw, paint etc ! I would love to get paid for drawing every day and all day. Talk about a come up !

I majored in Visual Communication and Art Design at Virginia State University. WOOT WOOT, Go Trojans ! I have debated going back for a Masters and or some type of certificate but I haven’t come up with a decision yet. I wouldn't mind doing it though, I really do like school.

I have always loved hair also though. I remember getting in trouble in Elementary School and having notes sent home because I “was doing hair” My parents never paid this any mind though, because if playing with my friends hair was the worst thing I was doing, then they were just fine with that. Which of course, was fine with me !

Of course like most young black girls I first had my hair pressed until I got the age when it was decided that I could start getting a relaxer. I had a relaxer from around the 3rd grade to 11th grade of high school.

CUE horrifying beauty salon experience…

I have no idea what type of relaxer my stylist used but it turned my hair to a huge ball of shift!(yes that was an intentional spelling error)

Now, I must preface this statement and let you all know that my hair was always short. Well from what I can remember during my relaxed hair stages, it was always short. Around chin length, sometimes reaching shoulder length but barely. I had a problem with the middle section of my hair and it just would not grow as quickly as the rest of my hair. It was always shorter and would break off really easily. So sometimes I would have a couple of tracks placed in that area for certain styles.. o_O . I always wore those ponytails that could be wrapped into a bun. Maaan, I would bobby pin that sucker down ! I was always afraid of the accidentally falling out. SMH. 

Anywho, even now my hair growth has an odd rate. It grows at a ratio of 2:1. Meaning that the front part of my hair grows twice as fast as the back. I grown to love it though. *grimace* Especially since the back is beginning to catch up with my front.

So, lets get back to this horrifying salon experience; I left that salon in complete pain. After waiting to wash out a BURNING relaxer in WARM water( I can still feel it) my scalp—scratch that, my whole head was so tender. I told my Mom of course and she wasn't too happy. I woke up the next morning with my scarf STUCK to my head. Yes, stuck, I had scalp burns on the sides of my head, which oozed gunk over night onto my scarf which made it stick to my head. How disgusting is that ?!

That moment is when I decided I was NEVER, EVER getting a relaxer again. I had no clue what I was going to do, but a relaxer just wasn't it. I had no idea I was actually going “natural” I just knew I was never putting that crap in my hair again. So, needless to say I had a really simple transition.

I wore all types of braids and twist styles. By my senior year I had taught myself how to braid and I no longer had to spend ridiculous amounts of money to pay someone to do it.

I wore varying braid styles for the rest my high school and my beginning years in college. The only times where I was confused as to what to do to my hair was when I would take down my braids for a rest period before braiding back up again.

On a whim, during my Christmas Break in 2005, I decided to loc my hair. I was unsure at first because they were so short and I didn't feel “pretty”. I kept them in though, and I got through the awkward phase. My hair flourished, regardless that I tried all types of products. I kept my locs until the summer of 2010 when I decided again on a whim, to comb them out.

I thought I knew my hair. Boy was I wrong ! That year I learned a lot about being a loose natural. All I can say is THANK GOD for YouTube, blogs, and forums. I don't know how I would've made it ! That year is also the year I discovered my love for mixing up products. I was whipping up all types of things !

I fell in love with my hair once I loced it and I didn't think I could fall any deeper... but then I combed those locs out, learned about my kinks and coils and I have never been the same !

I hope that you share the same love for your hair !

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