Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Let's Make a Conditioner !

Hello Hello !

You've read the title, now grab your Frolicious Mixtress toolbox and let's get to it !

Let's take a closer look at the ingredients ! 

A rich, nourishing ingredient that serves as a great protein treatment for your hair. It also improves your hairs moisture and shine ! It's an awesome 3-1 bonus because mayonnaise includes Olive Oil, Eggs, and Vinegar. Intrigued ? Read more about the benefits of Mayonnaise and hair.

Honey is amazing. Point, blank, period. It's  incredibly moisturizing! Honey also aids in keeping your strands out of the thirst free zone by sealing moisture into your hair, helping it stay nourished. It's also very smoothing and can help with the frizzies. Honey also helps witth hair loss, this is news to me though ! It's also great for scalp care because it's anti-bacterial. Want some more deets on honey ? Read here

Sweet Almond Oil
Rich in vitamins, minerals and a moisture gold mine! One of omy absolutely favorite oils. Sweet Almond oil is also known to penetrate into the hair shaft and follicles ! It's also a great oil for a health scalp. Check it out !

Castor Oil
Ahh, Castor Oil, How do I love thee, Shall I count the ways ? Using Castor Oil regualarly has been said to increase hair growth. It's also known to reduce, prevent damage and breakage. Castor oil is good for treating dry hair as well. It's great for conditioning and moisturizing hair and scalp. It's also good for preventing hair frizz or split ends. Here's some more info !

I always end up having a taste for guacamole whenever I use avocado for my hair. Is it just me ?  Avocado nourishes the scalp and the hair shaft. Using an avocado mask, hydrates the scalp and keeps the moisture in. It also strengthens the hair and body to the hair. More info because I know you were just dying for it !

Add-In's for Extra Awesome Amazing Goodness
Rosemary Essential Oil (Be careful if you are pregnant. Always do a fact check on ingredients before usage!)
Peppermint Essential Oil (I love when my scalp tingles!)
Tea Tree Oil
Egg (Remember to rinse in cool water so you won't have scrambled eggs on your head!)

There you have it! A simple, D.I.Y with things you probably already have in you kitchen !

Alright, talk to me. 
Did you try this mixture? 
Have you used any of these ingredients in a DIY mix before ?
Did/Do you like them ? 


  1. I make a variation of this combo. I did one a few weeks ago but supercharged it with Aloe vera etc. I've yet to blog/vlog about it. I love the infographic, you're so talented.

    1. I love adding AVG and AVJ to my D.I.Y mixes. It's amazing ! Oh, and thank you ! I'm glad you like it.


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