Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Milestone Alert !

Hey curlfriends !

I hope everyone is well on their way to a prosperous and productive week !

I have a bit of news for you all !

First, let me thank everyone that entered my blogaversary giveaway ! I have currently boxed 1/2 of a giveaway package for one of the winners. I am still waiting for the second winner to send me an email response.

The great thing about giveaways it that I LOVE giving and buying gifts for people, so holding giveaways tends to be a lot of fun for me! The only downside is the fact there can only be one winner (or two in this case), which is tough. I want everyone to win and to receive something!

But that's the beauty of giveaways, you can always hold another one ! *coughstaytunedcoughcough*

Next up, MILESTONE ALERT ! Over the weekend, the SimplyCare blog SURPASSED 10,000 views! How exciting, this blog is really growing and I'm so proud!

 I remember when I was celebrating 1000 blog views ! Man, That feels like such a long time ago !

 Do you guys see my new friend Fro up there ? She will be seen a lot more around the blog and facebook page! I've been working on her for a while now, and I finally came up with a design that I like!

Alright, let's keep moving forward. The next bit of news that  I have is that I have two new series planned for the blog! Whoop ! Excited ? I certainly hope so !

1. What The Fuss !
 You know it, and I know it. All over the natural hair community, skin care community and beyond there's this trend of not using certain ingredients or products that contain said ingredients. Some of has been deemed scare tactics, while some just seem a little, well side-eyeish. Well, I'm a little tired of all the bruhaha over certain ingredients. So, in this series I intend to figure out why there's such a protest against certain ingredient without always correctly knowing what and where this ingredients come from. Also I'll discuss why they are so widely used and why they are so widely hated. It's sure to be juicy and informative !

2. So...  You Want To Go Natural.
I want this series to be a starting point for those who are straggling that line between going natural or sticking with the creamy crack. Starting out on a new journey(or maybe your second, third, time around) can be confusing, scary and overwhelming. When people around me would ask me about what they should do, I had an email ready to send out to them. So those helpful emails, along with tips, tidbits, nuggets of knowledge, tricks, do's and dont's will be bundled up all nicely for you to peruse until your heart's content ! If you're a Newly Natural and have a question, you can even submit your questions to be answered in future post !

So, what do you think of Fro ?
Are you excited about the new series I have planned ? 
What else would you like to see ?

 If you receive my posts via email you'll notice this post has been edited. Don't write a blog post when you're halfway to Sleepville.


  1. Congrats on your milestone! Looking forward to what the fuss!

    1. Thank you Lise ! I appreciate that. I'm glad you're looking for to that series. I hope I don't disappoint !


Thank you for taking the time to read my post ! I appreciate it! Please feel free to leave a comment, I try to do my best to respond to them all. Please keep it respectful though !

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