Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Growing Through Changes

I always try to remember this ! 

Growing through changes ! 

That's what I will call this period in my life right now. I am going and growing through changes. I fully accept and embrace it.

It feels so great to write about my business again, I seemed to let that area fall to the wayside when I began concentrating more on natural hair blog posts. I wanted to be able t make some sort of impression with my approach to natural hair blog posts. In do that though, I forgot what this blog began as. Getting back to the business part of this blog will be a great addition in my opinion.  After all, this blog is about the evolution of a business ! Being able to get great, constructive feedback from you as well is one thing that I definitely look forward too.

I'm sure you're wondering what else I have in store for you!

The namesake "SimplyCare" is one of the many changes that will be taking place. You, yes you, have the opportunity to see it all happen right in front of your eyes. Right now I am in the middle of rebranding and re-imagining Simply Care. I've even decided upon a name that better flows than before. After sitting down and trying out different names, combinations and what have you, I have finally settled on one. One that I think it the perfect one. I can't wait to share that with you and to more importantly, see what you think. There's a preview below, but I will go into further detail about my thought process in another post.

There is a lot that needs to be done and I am excited to have gotten started on a few things. I will be estatic though, when it's all done because my plate is completely full !

Another change that will be taking place will be made to the logo. The pretty flower-ish symbol isn't going anywhere, so don't worry.(I'm pretty set about that design, it's so cute!) What's changing though, is the typeface. I am aiming for a very clean and functional design. I feel the newer design accomplishes this better. Take a look.
A snapshot of my design mind at work ! Re-branding SimplyCare

I'm also going to begin concentrating more on building an email campaign to branch out even further. Right now, subscribing by email is only brought to you by Feedburner. Functional yes, Aesthically pleasing ? Not so much. I might play around with the design of Feedburner, but I think in the long run I will switch to something else. For now though, if you have subscribed to the blog via email (and I hope you have) It will just be sent via Feedburner.

Along with this new elevated interest in delivery to your inbox, is the free gift that comes along with it! Yes, a free gift for just subscribing to my blog, because I simply care. I'm so excited to share this new gift with you all because I have to chance to bring something new to the natural hair community by merging my two loves!

I'm totally rocking out in my chair right now as I write this ! Lol, I'm so excited!
I can't explain this feeling in my chest right now, It makes me wonder why did I ever pause publishing posts about the business side of things. I think that might have been a part of what stalled my progression back in the winter.

Moving right along though, the biggest change by far will be the design of this blog. I have high hopes and ambitions for this blog. Right now, this design just no longer does it for me. It's pretty don't get me wrong, I'm just ready to kick it up a notch.

So, during the coming weeks and possibly the next month or so, you might notice a little dust being kicked up. Don't worry, it's for the greater good. Also, SimplyCare will be housed at a new domain in the near future, but you will have that information when we get closer to that date!

*insert another happy dance*

So many new things that will be put into place for this company ! The most exciting by far to me, is the future launch of my first product. Right now I am researching, formulating, and creating many different variations for this first product. I want to go into further detail, but I will save that for a different post, where I will go into all the nitty-gritty stuff! What I love about this stage is that I really am the Chief Experience Officer (CEO) of everything. Design, Packaging, Marketing, Copy Writing, Advertisements, Launch..etc. Good thing I have a degree in Visual Communication and Art Design! Nothing needs to be outsourced! (Well, I might stumble onto one or two things but hey..)

A cute design of product line bottles! Just to get you all as excited as I am!

You might have noticed the lack of love that the links in my toolbar have recieved.(If not, feel free to check some of the links out!) I will be re-evaluating each section to see if it's something I want to continue with. If they make that cut.... then expect some TOTAL AWESOMENESS ! I really want to make sure nothing is ignored in this company and on the blog from here on out. I want my dedication to show through these computer screens. I see it every day, but I want you, my viewers to see it. *smizes*

I'm just so excited to grow. I'm excited to pursue my dreams. I'm so ambitious, I'm so scared and I'm so ready!

It's said that if your dreams don't scare you then they aren't big enough.

Mantra #2 Work hard, then work harder!
Well, I guess I have huge dreams!

I thank you all for sticking with me, supporting me, and reading/commenting here on the blog. I sincerely appreciate it all and I hope it continues !

Thank you, thank you, thank you ! 

You all are a huge bottle of awesome sauce! 

Mantra #1 Just Do It. 
Until next time ! :0)


  1. I'm so excited and happy for you. Congrats on making progress. I'm looking forward to seeing all the changes.
    I've been trying to change up my blog design for a bit, but I keep I just need to do it! :)

    1. Thanks Vee!! You always show me so much support ! I love it !

      Lol, it's always hard to just go ahead and just do a blog re-design... I figured it I write about it, my readers hold me accountable ! Lol

  2. Replies
    1. Your comments have really made my day! Thanks again for those kind words!


Thank you for taking the time to read my post ! I appreciate it! Please feel free to leave a comment, I try to do my best to respond to them all. Please keep it respectful though !

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