Sunday, September 2, 2012

Challenge !

Hello !

A special weekend post, because I can't wait until Monday ! Lol.

I hope you take advantage of this new month to accomplish great things! I know I intend to !

Now, whenever I hear the word challenge, I am immediately taken back to that scene of The Cosbys where Clif takes Rudy to tap dance class... I figured you would want to see a clip, so here you go.


This is by far one of my favorite episodes ! I am a Cosby junkie !

Anyhow, the point that I am trying to make is this; September is a month of challenges !

Blogging, Natural Hair, Health, Fitness, Art, you name it ! There's a challenge going on.

So this month with all these challenges, I am going to challenge myself ! (Are you sick of that word yet ?)

First off, let's start with the challenges that I JUST created for myself. I realized that I have fallen into sort of a blogging rut. Even though I have tons of blog posts/idea mapped out and or half written, I just can't seem to actually publish them ! I also have been slacking on my vlogging game, I only have two videos up! Let's not mention the videos that are recorded but not edited. Shame Stephanie, Shame !  My problem is in editing, I want it to look a certain way, but that way takes time, which I don't feel like putting in. September I put a stop to that !

So I am putting myself on a blogging/vlogging challenge, This will help me get back into the game and jumpstart the need to finish my editorial calendar. The goal is to publish a minimum of three posts a week for the month of September. Of those three posts at least one has to be business related. That was the whole reason I started this blog and even though my business is progressing, I haven't let you in on the progress! For the vlogging side, I will post at least 2 vlogs a week, for the month of September.

The second challenge I created for myself is health-wise. I will be drinking only water, tea and REAL juice only. Now, I will indugle in a few alcoholic beverages if the occasion arises, but that's it.

So, that's it. That is my September Blogging & Vlogging Challenge and September Bevie Challenge. Sounds easy enough right? *Deep sigh*

The next two Challenges are going on via Instagram right now ! Two natural hair challenges under the hashtags #Naptember and #HGKWW. The #Naptember Photo Challenge is a judged challenge and the #HGKWW is not. Each day has a photo theme and you just post a photo that falls within that theme ! Easy-peasy!

So, if you aren't following @iSimplyCare on Instagram, what are you waiting for ? Head on over and do that ! Plus, why not join in on the natural hair fun?

Alright, four Challenges down! You're probably going to think I'm crazy for trying to stick with all of these challenges but, I've deemed September the month of challenging and pushing myself ! I am going to need a SUPER SERIOUS calendar for all of this! 

Next up, KinkyCurlyCoily Me ! Yep, you're right if you guessed Castor Oil Challenge ! I am signing up for the Fall Castor Oil Challenge ! I had a lot of fun and I saw so much improvement and growth with my hair in the last KCCM Challenge and I've decided to do it again. Those details will be up this week in a later post.

-an aside- Now, If you follow me on my facebook page, you might have noticed that I mentioned I would do the Afroniquely You TBCH Challenge, I think that I am going to hang that challenge up and start fresh and focus on the KCCM Challenge. 

I have a fitness challenge that I will be following as well. I work out pretty regularly and I eat pretty healthly, but I had gained happy weight ! Which I fervently blame on my beau. *side eyes*

You will be happy to know that I have lost 10lbs!


My goal though, is a slimmer face, visible leg "tonage" (Yes, I just made that up) and abs with a side of strong core! My beau is a boxer so he will be helping me. I would like to add that I lost those 10lbs on my own ! So the fitness challenge is a Squat Challenge that I saw on Hey Fran Hey's FB Page. I'll be following that for this month.

Now, finally, I can't leave out my passion, my first passion that is, which is art! If you didn't know I have a very pretty yet very neglected art blog here. I haven't decided what I will do yet, maybe weekly updates. We shall see.

Well, that's it ! Those are ALL of the challenges that I have entered. You may think I am doing "too much" I say, if you aren't busy, then you aren't living ! I have an issue of being a great started, but not a great finisher. Signing up to complete these challenges is a step to break that mold. I hope to see great results on September 30 !

You can keep up with my and all of my challenges right here on the blog,
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram(@iSimplyCare), and also my Art Blog. Wish me luck !

I'm off to find a poster board to make my calendar !

OH, before I leave to head into the land of Prismacolor and Posterboard, are you entering any challenges this month ? What are they, and how will you keep up with them ?

Do you think I'm crazy for challenging myself this much ? I do, but I am going to do it anyways !


  1. Girl, that a LOT of challenges! lol Good luck!

    I didn't know you were on IG!!??? I'm on it! lol

  2. Sorry Vee, your comment had been marked as spam ! UGH ! It is a lot of challenges. Technology failed me for the first week, so blogging and vlogging are behind, but everything else is going smoothly !


Thank you for taking the time to read my post ! I appreciate it! Please feel free to leave a comment, I try to do my best to respond to them all. Please keep it respectful though !

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