Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Deepest Fears

Have you ever had an idea so great, so amazing that you don’t want to share it ? 

For many reasons, but the  largest, darkest, cloud hovering over your head is the fear of not being able to make it come to fruition ? That you might fail in the process ? That people will judge you because you gave them a great idea or product or whatever the case may be but you just aren’t able to deliver ? It’s pretty scary, and that thought alone can stop someone in their tracks from not pushing forward.

I bring this up for two reasons; the first being that the whole SimplyCare business is such a great idea and I’m so passionate about it. I am also fearful that maybe I won’t make it or maybe I won’t be able to deliver what I may say I intend to deliver...  This is a huge journey that I’m on in a flooded market. It brings me back to a couple of years ago when I was just mixing things up in my kitchen and had fleeting thoughts of marketing products. Yes people told me I should, encouraged me and all that, but I just wouldn’t take that next step. I wish I would've because there was less on the market then and it would have been easier. Clearly God is aware that I can stand the challenge...

Reading and writing this word fail. Ugh..  Fail, Failing, its such an icky word.  

Nobody WANTS to fail, it’s just something that happens. I’ve learned though that its better to try and fail, then to never try at all.

Who wants to go their whole lives wondering “What If?” I don’t think there is anything worse than wondering what could have been if only I did _______ . 

So I did it. I took that first step and I started blogging about it, I felt great, happier than I ever thought I could feel about something. You know that “happy” that you feel when you are on the right path type of happy.  I just knew I was headed in the right direction. I started doing more research, getting the business side of the company on track, attending seminars and classes, the works ! Still, that cloud was hovering, but smaller.  

Regardless of the stupid little cloud, I still believe that I am on the right path.... my blog is growing and I have had over  500 page views in less than months of my blog being live, which shows that people are reading.
Then I think, what if I can’t deliver what I’m blogging about, what if I fail ? Will people judge and wonder why I didn’t make the cut, why I couldn’t get things done? What did she do wrong?
It’s a scary thing, failure..Judgment… trying and succeeding…. Having so much passion about something but it just doesn’t work out in the end. 

The second reason I bring this is up is a result of a blog post I read earlier today from The Mane Source entitled :

At the end of the blog post it asks,  So, what about you? What’s your deepest fear? In what ways has it impacted your life? How do you plan to face your fears and move beyond them?

It really struck a chord with me. Being on this journey has brought this fear to the forefront.  My deepest fear for this journey is that it will be unfinished, that I won’t make it. Essentially, that is failing.  I wouldn’t say it's impacting my life but it is impacting my journey slightly. Although I am more than motivated, I have been a little less motivated as of late.

Instead of dwelling on this though, let’s move on to the last question: 
How do you plan to face your fears and move beyond them? 

I plan to keep making goals and to keep checking them off ! One by one, day by day. With prayer and encouragement I’ll get through this mini-slump. This blog post is me facing my fears, and every one thereafter is me moving beyond them .

Thanks for listening reading. :0) 


  1. You have already said it... Its better to try and fail then not try at all. Keep your head up, its ok to have little fears just don't let the little's turn into big ones.

  2. Yep ! You're so right and thats exactly what I plan on doing ! :0)

  3. I think it's natural to feel that way whenever you venture into something new! Fear is normal and it's sometimes a "good" thing because it means we are human. BUT, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind"
    Looking for to seeing the line develop ;0

    Ps: Thanks for checking out my blog ;)


  4. You're more than welcome ! I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for those words of encouragement! I appreciate it :0)


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