Friday, August 23, 2013

In Between The Posts

Blogging is interesting. A Complicated and time-consuming process, but interesting.

I've gone a long time without blogging so the only proper place to start is in between the posts. What have I been up to since I last posted, where are the updates, What, if anything is happening with the blog series (What The Fuss and So You Want To Go Natural).

All valid questions, all which I intend to answer. Let's get started shall we ?

What Have I Been Up To?

When I last left, I had great expectations for a new home after fully revamping and re-branding my company. I decided that sticking with blogger was the final decision and that this would be the most amazing blogger-turned-website that I had ever designed. So I announced the site, I set a launch date and alluded to continuing updates. I even began a test blog, designing headers, hero images, and all sorts of cool things. I bought up domains and starting figuring out how to build my mailing list. It was fun deciding on how to best advertise and market this new launch.

Check out that snazzy email sign up floaty !

Homepage and a hero image !

Keep Calm, You Have Good Hair. 

We love our new curlfriends ! This is the index page of sorts. 

Well that launch date has come and gone. Yet here we are with the same old blog and same old design. That's the thing about setting dates, if you don't reach that goal you kind of feel deflated. Looking like Eeyore in the face, feeling kind of lame because you made a big to-do but couldn't follow through. (I moonlight as a lyrical rhyming genius).

Oh Eeyore.. Le sigh. 

You see, I had a grand idea that became too grand for Blogger. I felt that Blogger wouldn't be able to do everything that I wanted it to be able to do. So I decided to head over to the other side (Wordpress). If you know anything about you know that for someone not well versed its a jungle ! A jungle of plug-ins, coding, and etc.

I found great tutorials and tips and helpful tweets from curlfriends. I even scored free web hosting ! I just couldn't muster up the strength to dive in. So I didn't. I dipped my big toe in and changed my mind. Things went stagnant and this blog just sat here, collecting dust. Yet again. I still have great plans for a new web home but I think I will stick with what I'm used to, I'm not sure I want to figure out a new content management system like WP. I'll just design the web home like I normally would and actually code. Please say a prayer for me. I might, MIGHT dabble with WP, but I'm leaning towards not using it.

I might have overreacted. Lol. 

So, as of right now, with scrapping Blogger and teetering on scrapping WP, I'm not that much closer to my goal. I have a tendency to plan plan plan. It's a good thing and a bad thing. These past couple of months though I have been trying to execute more of my ideas instead of planning out every single detail. It's never going to work out the way you plan it and even if it does; it's not because you planned it that way. It was some sick twist of fate ! Another one of my big issues is wanting everything to be a certain way before I do something. This is a serious issue because it keeps me from moving forward. That's one of the reasons this blog fell behind. I felt that it didn't really do what I wanted it to do so I just kind of stopped. I wanted something better and I didn't want to do anything until that better was in place. I've grown though, I've learned to work with what I have. You're supposed to be embarrassed of your first draft, that's why it's called a draft. If you wait for everything to be perfect, you will be waiting forever. So here I am, working with what I have. Molding it into something better.

In the spirit of executing things I have been updating bits and pieces here on Blogger to keep everything functioning like it had been previously while I design a new site. It felt good to get rid of old SimplyCare pieces and keep building brand cohesiveness. This blogger site will be continually evolving though. I still feel it's a bit too cluttered, so expect changes every so often.

Another issues I'm dealing with is YouTube. You can't change your name. So do I begin a whole new channel or just work with what I have and update the old videos ? When you don't have a million and one subscribers or views, the thought of switching to a whole new channel is daunting. You don't really want to have to build up to that amount again. Then again it gives you a chance to start fresh and to be better. Can we say dilemma ?

Well, that was a big chunk of an update ! There's more though, so make sure to come follow Native Love on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date. Might I suggest email ? It's the best option !

Ok. Consider yourselves updated 1/3 of the way ! Whew !

I think I will leave you with some updated photos of moi !! Enjoy


Fro and it's Fedora

Marley Twists and a cute lippie 


  1. First thing first...congrats on jumping back in game. Many (most?) people abandon their blogs altogether once they've been gone for a while. As each day goes by it gets harder and harder to get inspired to come back. So don't underestimate how big a step this is.

    You remind me of my mama with the planning addiction lol She's the same way. She also has that perfection gene which, as you already know, is both a blessing and a curse. I'm gonna tell you like I told her: If you wait for it to be perfect, you'll never get it done.

    That's one of the many cool things about blogging: If something doesn't work, you can always go back and revamp it. Blogging doesn't have an expiration date.

    As for Wordpress vs. Blogger...sorry, but I'm a WP snob. You have much more freedom and customization, IMO. I understand being comfortable, though. I started with Blogger as well.

    Don't give up, though. Just play around with WP on the side. There are tons of tutorials online and the WP forum is fantastic. Nothing wrong with Blogger, but at least give WP a fair shot.

    Love the bun in the last pic. I can never get mine to act right because my hair is uneven. It's a hassle to get all the ends wrapped up nice and pretty.

    1. A big step indeed, thank you for your comment ! I had been stepping away from my need to have every single thing in place before moving on slowly but surely.

      I've come a long way. As far as WP v Blogger, I have no intentions of forgoing WP for Blogger. I would be creating and coding a site with Photoshop and Dreamweaver with hosting from GoDaddy or something. Both are complicated and time-consuming. Wordpress just seems like it's more time consuming.

      When I mentioned go back to what I'm used to, the Photoshop/Dreamweaver is what I was referring to. Blogger is very limited unless you have a great knowledge of CSS. That's when Blogger can open up. Either I will be learning new things, I just haven't decided which path to travel ! Lol.

      Thanks again for your motivation and tweets ! Lol


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